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Our Mission

StruBiTEM (structural biology cryo-transmission electron microscopy) is a facility of the Biochemistry institute. The facility was founded 2017 with the help of two major DFG grants.


The main objective of StruBiTEM is to provide both infrastructure as well as expert knowledge to enable users to analyze biological macromolecules by cryo-EM. Depending on the samples, cryo-EM has the potential to solve the molecular structures of proteins smaller than 200kDa to resolutions better than 3 Å. A specialty of the platform is the analysis of dynamic proteins assuming multiple conformations.

The hardware of StruBiTEM is maintained by dedicated staff. Our core business is the preparation of EM samples (including both negative staining as well as vitrification), the acquisition of single particle data sets (both at room temperature and under cryo conditions), and pre-processing as well as quality assessment of micrographs. Beyond these, we also provide expert knowledge on protein purification for cryo-EM applications, data analysis strategies and data interpretation. Moreover, we train selected users for independent sample preparation and microscope usage, either supervised or independent. As part of a scientific cooperation, we can also provide complete workflows for specific targets. The staff of StruBiTEM also pursues independent scientific projects, and participates in the teaching of the Biochemistry institute.